Anxiety & Depression Counseling
Can I just have a “normal” life?
Heart Pounding & Mind Racing

Frozen. Your heart beats wildly out of your chest while your mind races off in a million directions. Your anxiety is making it increasingly harder for you to function. Let’s explore how you can have peace again.
The Joy of the Lord…Whatever

You can’t sleep, or you can’t stop sleeping. You don’t care about anything anymore. You’ve tried praying and having “more faith,” but God doesn’t seem to care, so why should you? We care.
Holistic Counseling for Healing

Anxiety & depression can be overwhelming. From significant life events to neurotransmitters, there is no one reason why you are experiencing them. We craft our holistic care around you.
Freedom from Shame
The shame that comes from depression and anxiety can be overpowering and paralyzing. You feel worthless, alone, and irreparably broken. But these feelings are lies. You are loved. Don’t let shame keep you depressed or anxious. Christian anxiety and depression counseling can help disperse your shame with the piercing light of truth that God cherishes and delights in you.
Freedom from Fear
The greatest obstacle to you flourishing and achieving God’s dream for your life is fear. What if no one can help me? What will others think when they find out I struggle with anxiety or depression? Don’t let fear keep you stuck – alone and unhappy. Call NuWell today for anxiety and depression counseling and take a brave step of faith toward your healing.
Not just a “Normal” Life but an Abundant Life
Jesus said, “I came to give life — life in all its fullness.”
God cherishes you. No matter how bad things are, it can get better.
Perfect love casts out fear. Shame and guilt, too!
Your Journey to Healing
Take off the Mask

Heal the Wounds

Remove the Toxins

Replace with Truth