Our Mission
Our Mission at NuWell is to provide complete Counseling, Coaching, and Wellness Care for God’s Children.
Our Mission is to Provide Online Counseling, Coaching, and Wellness
Our Mission
Welcome to NuWell Online, where your journey towards holistic well-being begins! Founded by Steven and Jeana Luther in 2009, our mission is to provide holistic care that addresses the mind, body, soul, and spirit, by offering holistic healing through counseling services, coaching programs, wellness services, and spiritual support services.
About Us
NuWell was established with the intent to bridge traditional healthcare gaps by merging Biblical truth with sound clinical approaches for holistic support. Our mission began locally and has since expanded into a global online business, offering faith-based approaches to healing and wellness for clients worldwide.
Purpose of NuWell
As a team we are here for the Body of Christ. Our mission aims to serve and guide individuals God sends to us to move a deeper level of connection with Him while finding healing within the mind, body, soul, and spirit.
The Team
Pastoral Counselors, Coaches, and Wellness Practitioner are chosen to be part of our team based on their ability to guide individuals from brokenness to healing, from wounded to well! Collaborating with the team at NuWell will help you find the life God desires for you. You are not here to just survive, you are called to THRIVE!
Commitment to You
At NuWell, our commitment is to provide only top-of-the-line counseling, coaching, and wellness care based on a Biblical worldview. In unison objective is to empower you to overcome any challenges and live an abundant and rewarding life.
Join us on our mission as you embark towards renewed wellness and transformation. It’s an honor to support you throughout this process.
NuWell’s 6 Principles

God understands human experience better than anyone, so He’s given us guidance through Scripture that can provide invaluable wisdom. At NuWell, our mission is to provide counseling that is built upon these timeless truths found within Scripture – because ignoring His wisdom on navigating a broken world would be like tryin to drive without an engine! Thud every aspect of our therapy services are firmly grounded on biblical principles, by providing the framework necessary for true healing and growth.

God created order out of chaos when He created the world, reflecting his rational nature by reforming foolishness through Reason, or the Logos (Word). Humans reflect this rationality through scientific engagement with the environment around us – creating order out of chaos as part of God’s great design for humanity. Therapy follows suit, using all the best evidence-based practices from psychology while remaining grounded within a Biblical framework. At NuWell Christian Counseling Services we use Christian counseling practices alongside evidence-based psychology practices while remaining true to its Biblical roots.

The world as we all currently experience it is NOT the way God intended for it to be. Our world is broken, and everything we experience is affected by it. The Bible calls this brokenness sin. There is, however, a little good news. Since every single one of us encounters the damage and injury of sin, this means that you’re alone with your struggles! Our counselors will never judge you and are here to help, no matter where you are in your journey.

God has promised that light can shine through your darkest hour. When all the darkness of the world converged on the crucified Son of God Jesus- He died. For 3 days while He was in the grave, brokenness had the final say. But then, Jesus resurrected, and in that darkest of all moments, God proclaimed that no matter how bleak your situation may be, the hope of an abundant life can still happen for you- starting right now.

Many therapies fail because they don’t address the whole person. While they engage the physical, psychological, and emotional elements of who your are, they ignore your spiritual dynamic.. NuWell counselors understand that God has not left humans alone to deal with the brokenness we encounter in our lives. He is here with us through the Spirit. And where the Spirit is, there’s power. Our mission at NuWell is to provide holistic counseling that will plug you into this power source.

God is making all things new, restoring them to how they were meant to be. This includes you. No matter the pain or brokenness in your life, victory and abundant life are within reach. Together, we’ll embark on a journey of healing and renewal, where each step brings transformation. Don’t wait to claim the victory already meant for you. We’ll be here, supporting you every step of the way.