
Childhood obesity is an ongoing public health crisis with significant ramifications beyond physical wellbeing. While much attention has been focused on its physical effects like increased risk for diabetes, heart issues, and high blood pressure–its psychological repercussions can not be neglected. This blog post seeks to bring light upon some of the mental and emotional obstacles associated with childhood obesity as well as discuss counseling as an approach towards holistic healthcare that could change a child’s life by altering their viewpoint towards food and themselves.

Childhood Obesity Is an Alarming Issue

According to the World Health Organization, over 38 million children under the age of five were overweight as of 2019. These alarming figures not only signal present health problems, but are a warning about potential long-term physical and psychological problems.  The effects of childhood obesity could be sever which is why this must not go ignored!

Psychological Consequences

Childhood obesity has many psychological ramifications that include low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. Not only will a child’s physical body suffer but their mind too! Social isolation, bullying and poor self-image can become overwhelming experiences for a child which often persists into adulthood.

Mindset Is Key in Successful Dietary Changes

For any diet to work effectively in children’s lives, their perspective must shift; otherwise restricting calories will likely not succeed long term; changing one’s mindset is therefore central for successful lifestyle and diet changes. Colossians 3:10 states, “Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” Counseling tailored specifically towards helping combat childhood obesity can offer an effective means for change.

What Counseling Offers:

An emotional support counselor provides children with an open space where they can safely discuss their struggles, fears and self-perception, as well as identify any emotional eating triggers which might exist in order to find solutions that won’t cause unhealthy eating behavior or triggers for emotional bingeing or purging behaviors. For example, Cognitive Behavioral Techniques are effective tools in helping children change their eating behaviors and become aware of those triggers that cause emotional eating behaviors.  Another important element is family involvement.  Family is an essential factor in children’s overall wellbeing, so counseling often includes family sessions to foster an inclusive home environment and ensure support is present from within the home itself.

With online counseling options, children and families can participate in therapy from the convenience of their own home – making the process less intimidating and more accessible than before.

NuWell Christian Counseling’s unique approach integrates psychological insight with action steps for greater mental and emotional well-being, providing your family an easier path toward a brighter future. Through online sessions we reach you wherever you may be located allowing us to bring therapy directly into the home for maximum convenience.


Childhood obesity is an intricate issue that necessitates multifaceted intervention strategies in order to be addressed successfully. Recognizing and treating psychological elements associated with food are imperative in any successful dietary regime for kids.

Are You Looking to Start Living Well Again? NuWell Christian Counseling’s online sessions may offer just the boost your wellbeing needs! Click here and schedule one now.