In this season of delays, distractions, and diversions, many of us are proverbially asking God: “Are we there yet?” And God is asking, are we there yet. In other words, He is saying it’s not the DESTINATION or the THERE that matters but the
LOCATION or the WHERE that God is after. We are so caught up in getting to the variable place of provision when God is saying get into the fixed position of Faith where he can drop his pin and locate us. That’s the message God gave me to share with you, especially his election, in this time of tribulation.
The other thing God is saying is the challenge to getting to this posture of faith positioning right is that it holds especially true even when we are where we need to be in a season and legitimately waiting on God, being obedient, working diligently yet nothing is happening so we’re still frustrated.
We’ve been dealing with illness and healing for over a year but the sickness is still there. I’m using my gifts and stepping out on faith but still stuck in a rut without the resources I need. I said no to that counterfeit situation, and I’ve been denying my flesh but I’m tired of living single and there is no sign of the relationship I’m trusting you for.
In these times we may even question God, or question our own Faith. In fact, though, this frustration is actually a sign of faith for the believer because we know we’ve been faithful and God is going to deliver on his promise. We know he is
ready to open up the heavens and pour out a blessing or healing any minute. But time is taking its time. And that’s frustrating. Think about it, if we weren’t believing in his promises, we wouldn’t be frustrated.
So, the first point is frustration is a sign of faith. It’s an indication we are where we need to be. But how do we bridge the gap… We’ve been praying and fasting as the Bible instructs us to, according to his will and the riches of his grace. Still, nothing is moving. What’s happening?
God is either waiting on us… Or he’s waiting for someone or something else for Him to move…I’ll show you that either way, he’s still waiting on us to get there…Where is that? God gave me a familiar scripture to help us start to unpack this.
2 Corinthians 5:7 “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Easier said than done, right?
Indeed, this verse from Paul is one of the most recognized scriptures and Christian mantras but it also seems to be the one we are most blind to in these last days. We say we walk by faith but we still rely more so on sight. We watch current world events by telling a vision without correcting it through our lens of faith. What does that look like? It looks like passive Christianity. It sounds like this. God is in control at best. Instead of declaring. The time is fulfilled.
The Kingdom of God is upon us.
This begs the question, are we really ready for
his appearance? Are we there yet?