What is a Christian Life Coach? This profession is relatively new, but it has its roots in traditional life coaching. What is a life coach? Life coaches are professionals who guide a person toward a specific goal in life that the person wants to reach. Typically, people reach out to life coaches when they have an idea of where they want to go in life but are unsure of how to get there.

A Christian life coach is equipped to deal specifically with the spiritual struggles a Christian may face in accomplishing the mission God has set before them. Christian life coaches help Christians discover their spiritual identities and advise them on how to best pursue their spiritual goals. Some of those goals could include implementing the Bible more at home, learning more Godly methods of decision-making, or how a person can more openly express their faith. These are just a few things that qualified Christian life coaches, like the ones at NuWell Christian Counseling, can assist a Christian in achieving.

The very concept of Christian life coaching can be found in the Bible! In 1 Thessalonians 5:5, Christians are commanded to “encourage one another and build each other up.” We are told to “carry each other’s burdens.”  In Galatians 6:2. The Bible calls on Christians to help our fellow believers lead the best life they can, and Christian life coaches do precisely that. We all need help in achieving goals sometimes, and as Christians, we’re all in this together through our fellowship as believers!

A good life coach should have the necessary skills that promote growth and understanding that guide a believer to the desired change that they seek. Here at NuWell Christian Counseling, all of our staff are professional therapists that are more than qualified to help Christians navigate their journey through their faith. NuWell Christian Counseling can help Christians learn to open their hearts and minds to God in ways a person may have never considered before. In this way, the Holy Spirit can move in that person’s life and grant the wisdom and understanding needed to achieve their spiritual and life goals.

No matter where you’re at in life, you’re liable to get stuck eventually. Luckily, NuWell Christian Counseling is here and staffed with professionals that can coach you along and give you the boost you need to understand God’s plan for you using counseling methods that are faithful and true.